Posted on 5/6/2017

Is it best to repair or replace your car? That’s a good question in this economy and here are some helpful tips to make your decision a little easier for you. A growing number of people are finding that the economy has them debating whether it’s best to buy a new car or repair the one they have. If you are trying to decide between buying and repairing, here are some tips that may help: Comparing Costs It is typically less expensive in the long run to repair the vehicle you already own rather than purchasing a newer one. Financing even a $2,000 repair typically means lower payments (or similar payments for a shorter time) than those incurred when purchasing a newer vehicle. The 50-Percent Rule After receiving the estimate of a major repair, consider the “50-percent rule.” When the cost of a needed repair approaches 50 percent of the vehicle’s value, it is time to seriously consider replacing it. Reliability And Maintenance History The best way to kno ... read more